Can Day Fasting Work for Weight Loss?

Can Day Fasting Work for Weight Loss?

When people are trying to lose weight, there is a very simple formula that people need to keep in mind: calories out must be greater than calories in. If people eat more calories than they burn, those extra calories get stored in the human body, leading to an increase...
HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio

HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio

Cardio has always been a go-to for those who are trying to get fit or lose weight. To achieve this goal, will you “go hard or go home” and get on the HIIT bandwagon? Or, are you more into “slow and steady wins the race” and pace yourself with...
Best Cardio for Weight Loss

Best Cardio for Weight Loss

Cardio has a lot of benefits. Including cardio into your workout routine can boost your immunity, improve your blood circulation, keep your heart healthy, and improve your mood. Aside from all of these, there’s another benefit of cardio that a lot of people...