What is the paleo diet

What is the paleo diet

The Paleo Diet is also known as the Stone Age Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet, Caveman Diet or Primal Diet. This diet was first promoted in 1975 by Dr. Walter L Voegtlin through his book,  The Stone Age Diet. It has regained a lot of popularity in recent years as it has...
5 Common Cold Remedies To Cure Your Cold Fast

5 Common Cold Remedies To Cure Your Cold Fast

As the seasons change, people rush to their common cold remedy of choice. There are a lot of great choices, but too many choices can be confusing. Pores open, skin cracks, and the coughs begin. There’s no cure for a lot of the ailments out there, but you can certainly...
What are the Health Benefits of Cauliflower?

What are the Health Benefits of Cauliflower?

Cauliflower has reached an all-time high in popularity recently, particularly as a substitute for starchy vegetables in numerous recipes. Many dieters are turning to cauliflower as a healthier and gluten-free alternative to pasta noodles, mashed potatoes, and even...
Is It Okay for Someone to Use Expired Sunscreen?

Is It Okay for Someone to Use Expired Sunscreen?

Sun protection is very important at all times of the year but particularly during the summer. When the sun is shining, many people like to spend more time outdoors, particularly in the water. When people go swimming in the pool or the ocean, they may feel like they...