MSGA is a members-only association that provides education, services, and discounts on amazing products and services focused on health, diet, and fitness.

Featured Benefit
Smart, is now safe.
Imagine all of your devices working together to save your life.

Through its partnership with Noonlight, Med-Sense Guaranteed Association provides members with subscription to the Noonlight service at no cost. Noonlight protects you and the things that matter to you, at home and everywhere else.


What Our Members and Award Recipients Are Saying…
“Thank you for being part of the support that will help me actualize my dream…and reminding me that there are organizations out there who are able and happy to make that a reality.”
Monicka F., Student at Bastyr University

“Thank you so much for choosing St. John’s College of Nursing as the recipient of the 2016 nursing scholarship program award. Your generous donation of $25,000 will facilitate the success of many of our students in their final year of study.”
Chancellor Charlene S. Aaron, St. John’s College

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6 Reasons Why Massage Therapy May Be For You

6 Reasons Why Massage Therapy May Be For You

For you to get the best out of your life, you have to put in the time and determination. It is no different when it comes to our bodies. After an exhausting day, the mind and the body need to relax so as to be able to have a stronger focus on the next task or day....

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What is the paleo diet

What is the paleo diet

The Paleo Diet is also known as the Stone Age Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet, Caveman Diet or Primal Diet. This diet was first promoted in 1975 by Dr. Walter L Voegtlin through his book,  The Stone Age Diet. It has regained a lot of popularity in recent years as it has...

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3 Ways to Beat Stress When Traveling

3 Ways to Beat Stress When Traveling

A trip can be an excellent source of adventure. It's the best way we get to see beautiful places and create an unforgettable memory. But even with all the exciting anticipation for travel, stress and anxiety can take a toll on us. In a survey from Wakefield Research,...

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