On a daily basis having an extensive to-do list may seem like there is not enough time in a day to complete it. Having an ambitious mindset is never a bad thing at all especially when it comes to being a mom. Between taking care of yourself, the household, and the kid(s) can feel like a never ending cycle. However, we are here to help you with time management tips for stay at home moms to make your life a little bit easier, enjoyable, and stress free. Today we are going to share with you time management tips for stay at home moms.

How do working moms manage their time?

A working mom tends to have an overwhelming feeling of conquering the world with everything that she has to do. For example, if a mom is working the standard 9 – 5 type of schedule, it is very important that a mom has the time to take a break for herself. Working moms have many ways to knock out two birds with one stone when necessary.

  • Listening to soothing sounds that puts the baby to sleep: Normally newborn babies sleep most of the day away, which gives you the opportunity to multitask while ensuring your baby is safe and sound. This free time may be far and few in-between, or really easy to manage. While the baby is sleep, this is your opportunity as a working mom to accomplish as much as you can without an interruption. However, you should always check on your baby consistently to make sure they are safe and okay as they can do unfathomable things at any moment.
  • As the kid(s) begin to grow, the mom still has to always make sure that they eat, however, they also learn to grow and make simple things like cereal for breakfast or quick lunches that will hold them for a few hours. This allows moms to have more and more free time as the kid(s) become more self-sustainable.

How do stay at home moms manage time?

A stay at home mom (especially a first-time mom with a newborn baby) may have a rough time with adjusting to managing her day-to-day, however, it gets easier with practice and consistency. Time management strategies for the overwhelmed mom can help her daily life activities progress more smoothly and routinely.

  • Have a specific time for feeding your baby: While babies can want to eat at any time, creating a feeding schedule can help the working mom with one of the most important facets of caring for a baby.
  • As the kids get older they can start to learn how to do household chores. Things such as washing the dishes, washing their own laundry, and take out the trash will add a great amount of time to either have as free or utilize that time to take care of other necessary business.

How can a working mom be productive?

A working mom may not seem like it, but everything she does every day is her being productive. However, if a mom wants to maintain her productivity to a certain level at a consistent rate, it is best to always have a schedule. While the schedule can change at any moment, the more organized a working mom is, the more productive she can be.

How does time management help parents?

With only 24 hours within a day does not mean that everything has to be done on that day. Re-scheduling or postponing certain tasks does not mean you are doing badly as a parent. Time management helps the parents spend the necessary time needed to taking care of the kids together, and by taking turns while one parent takes a break. At some point, both of the parents will be able to have the kids in a state to where they are fine, and they (the parents) can spend quality time with each other.