The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has taken the world by storm and many people have ended up with extra free time at home. While some people have taken this extra time to work out, plenty of others have spent time relaxing on the couch. While this is a great way to catch up with family members and friends, it is time to get back into shape. Of course, those who haven’t worked out in a while might be wondering how they can get back into the routine of working out regularly. There are a few tips that everyone should keep in mind.

Start Low and Go Slow

Walking into the gym after an extended absence can be intimidating. Furthermore, some people might even get hurt. For these reasons, it is important for everyone to start low and go slow. For example, those who are lifting weights for the first time in a while should start with lighter weights. A few examples include:

  • Start by sitting in a chair while lifting weights to remove some of the stress from the legs
  • Being with light weights, such as five-pound weights, before moving to heavier weights
  • Think about lifting with only one arm at a time

Think about waiting about a week before trying to increase the weight or the number of repetitions. It is a good idea to increase reps before weight to keep from shocking the muscles.

The same is true of cardio workouts. Some of the good starting points include:

  • Start by walking on flat ground at a leisurely pace first
  • Gradually increase the amount of time spent walking continuously before increasing the pace
  • Then, increase to a power walk before running

Gradually, even people who have sat on the couch for several months will be able to start running!

Match the Workout to the Lifestyle

There are lots of people who feel like they are limited by certain health conditions. The good news is that almost anyone is able to start an exercise routine if it fits the lifestyle. For example, people with osteoporosis can see a doctor who can recommend certain exercises and lifestyle changes that will actually improve bone density.

Speaking of lifestyle, it is critical for people to remember that their workouts should match their lifestyle. This will make them easier to complete. For example, those who love the great outdoors should consider going hiking. That way, exercise doesn’t feel like a chore.

Prioritize Personal Health

Particularly during the era of COVID-19, it is critical for everyone to prioritize their own health. Think about an exercise routine as a dramatic lifestyle shift. In addition to exercising, everyone should stretch before and after every workout to reduce the chances of suffering an injury. Furthermore, think about making a diet charge as well. Staying active and eating healthy can prevent the development of chronic illnesses down the road. A few of the most common examples include diabetes, obesity, and strokes.

Finally, staying active also releases endorphins. Endorphins make people feel happy. Therefore, exercise is a great way to take care of someone’s emotional health as well. This emotional uplift can even provide people with the confidence they need to push themselves harder in the gym!