Although 2017 has been stressful for most of us, that doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel, chug down a bottle of tequila, and call it a year. Instead, you should make 2018 the perfect time to focus on turning things around to ensure that you have a happy and stress-free year.

To do exactly that, here are five ways to start your new year in great health;

Stay Positive

Even though life is full of challenges, being calm and joyful is essential. The more peaceful you are with your inner-self, the more likely your health will improve. Thus, start your new year in great health by avoiding situations and people who may trigger negative emotion, and instead work towards being happy, and spread it around you.

Spend More Time Outside

While most people do not see the need to take a break from their busy lives,  research shows that breaking the office atmosphere to go for a brisk stroll in the park will make you as alert as drinking a cup of coffee. It will also give you the chance to get the much-needed dose of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones. Besides, the green color of vegetation prompts creativity, makes you feel happy, and motivates you to exercise.

Stay In Shape

As the New Year kicks in, we often round up the best new health and fitness products to help us keep looking gorgeous. Thus, you can shop for that equipment, beauty products, supplements, clothing, and accessories that make you feel happy and fulfilled. In fact, an overwhelming study shows that when you have the things that make you feel good, you’re not only likely to stay in good health and high moods, but also motivated to work harder.

Set Realistic Goals

Most of us are often carried away with the excitement of the New Year, and tend to set goals and resolutions that are bound to fall. Start off the new year by having some realistic expectations. Start small, work on your plan gradually, and you will fulfill your aspirations, whether personal or professional. Avoid being bogged down by the anxiety of unachievable goal to make your year much calmer.

Challenge Yourself

Without new goals and challenges, you can rarely push yourself out of comfort zone, which means you’ll not only miss out on boosting your skill set but also risk dropping your confidence level. However, it’s never too late to push yourself into learning new things, whether it’s joining a yoga course, signing up for a pottery class, or learning a new language – don’t let the fear of failure discourage you. Focus on achieving the best possible outcome, instead of being worried about worst-case scenarios.